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View more Outdoor Gear Exchange coupons
Updated 16th January 2025
239 Ratings. Average 4.5 out of 5 stars
View more Outdoor Gear Exchange coupons
Shop and get 20% off dynafit - alpine pro - men's at Outdoor Gear Exchange.
View more Outdoor Gear Exchange couponsShop and get 20% off dynafit - minus 33 - yukon expedition long sleeve crew - men's at Outdoor Gear Exchange.
View more Outdoor Gear Exchange couponsShop and get 30% off toad and co - tupelo sweater - women's at Outdoor Gear Exchange.
View more Outdoor Gear Exchange couponsShop and get 70% off the north face - vectiv exploris futurelight leather at Outdoor Gear Exchange.
View more Outdoor Gear Exchange couponsShop and get 33% off salewa - mens mtn trainer 2 gtx at Outdoor Gear Exchange.
View more Outdoor Gear Exchange couponsShop and get 20% off kamik - empire c winter boot - men's at Outdoor Gear Exchange.
View more Outdoor Gear Exchange couponsShop and save up to 70% on outlet sale at Outdoor Gear Exchange.
View more Outdoor Gear Exchange couponsHere are some great tips & tricks for extra savings at Outdoor Gear Exchange:
What are the shipping rates?
Outdoor Gear Exchange shipping rates are determined by your location, the product's weight, and, in some cases, the size of the product. Their default shipping method is UPS Ground. |They also offer expedited UPS and FedEx options along with non-expedited USPS options. UPS is their preferred carrier because they provide better insurance and tracking services. Please note that all shipping times listed above (including expedited service) are in business days only. Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are excluded. Next Day Air pricing does not include Saturday delivery fees. If your Next Day Air shipment is expected on a Saturday please call for pricing.
Do you ship internationally?
Sorry. They currently ship to USA and Canada only.
How can I return the item?
If you have any questions, please call first at 888-547-4327. When making a return, please fill out a return form and include a copy of your invoice. When returning a product for an exchange there is always a chance that the replacement product will be out of stock by the time they receive your return. To avoid this, they recommend returning the unwanted product for a refund and ordering the replacement separately. You can also note on the return form that you would like an exchange. Please ship your package with a trackable & insured method (UPS, FedEx, or with insurance via USPS) so it does not get lost in the mail and is covered if it does get lost or damaged.
What is your return policy?
They try hard to have a complete selection and great prices, but most importantly, they want you to be totally satisfied with your purchase. As such, almost all of their products can be returned for a full refund of the ticket price within 90 days of purchase, no questions asked, provided they are still in new condition with the original packaging. Consignment items, climbing gear, and mounted skis are a special situation. Please see below for their specific safety-related return policies.
If products are returned used, damaged, or without their packaging, they reserve the right to charge a restocking/refurbishment fee to make the product salable again or, in rare cases, refuse the return altogether. For footwear (including climbing shoes) we recommend wearing new shoes and boots around your house until you are sure the fit is correct. Once shoes have been worn outside or show wear they will no longer be returnable for a refund to the method of payment.
They do not pay for return shipping. However, if they have made an error in the shipment (shipped the wrong product or a defective product) that requires a return or exchange they will issue a return shipping label to get the product back and ship the replacement for free. They can provide return shipping labels, but they would deduct the cost of the label from the refund. Returns will be processed as soon as possible after arriving at our Burlington, VT location. Due to current events, there may be delays with shipping and processing returns.
Phone +1 888-547-4327
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Smart buying and over 20 years in the outdoor industry allows them to offer the best deals possible on a fabulous selection of gear for camping, hiking, backpacking, rock climbing, ice climbing, mountaineering, telemark skiing, alpine touring (AT skiing), nordic skiing, biking, kayaking, canoeing, adventure travel, and yoga. Outdoor Gear Exchange is dedicated to selling environmentally sound products and run their website on a green server. Outdoor Gear Exchange through profit sharing, a flexible work environment, and overall high quality of life while building a vibrant and profitable business.
Outdoor Gear Exchange Homepage
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When shopping online at Outdoor Gear Exchange, it is a good idea to always visit us here at Love Coupons before you finish your order. The Love Coupons team save our visitors thousands of pounds every month. Some users never even knew Outdoor Gear Exchange discount codes were available until visiting our site. Now that you know how easy it is to save at Outdoor Gear Exchange with our promo and discount codes, bookmark or favourite Outdoor Gear Exchange above and always check us out before you checkout.
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